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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve


As a staff, we have been tirelessly collating activities, ideas and useful links for you to access whilst we enter this period of indefinite school closure. These are inclusive of English, Maths, Science and Foundation subject tasks. You will also find that while we wish for the children to continue their educational learning, we of course would like them to take this time to be calm and celebrate the time they can safely spend with their families and loved ones amongst this uncertainty, and therefore have included alternative activity ideas and links to virtual websites for museums etc.


You will find these tasks on your child’s Class Page on our website as of this afternoon. This is also accompanied by the whole school generic ‘Parent’s Links and Ideas’ document, which gives you a variety of activities you can do with your child that perhaps are not specific to an educational subject area.


Early Years       Year 1      Year 2       Year 3       Year 4       Year 5       Year 6


We have also put together a list of websites and educational links that we use as a teaching staff to plan and facilitate lessons and the children’s learning on a daily basis, including PhonicsPlay and Twinkl. This is inclusive of log-in details or access arrangements. Please note that your child has personal log in details for websites such as Bug Club and TT Rockstars which you and they have been issued with already by your class teacher for homework.


We understand that facilitating home-learning may be daunting for some. Please do not be concerned if you or your child are finding this process difficult at times. Upon return to school, we will be able to fill in any gaps in the children’s learning as we always do. Please do contact the school for guidance and advice if needed. Regarding timings, there is no strict guidance on how much time children should be learning for at home, but from research and experience, we know short, sharp bursts of activity are more beneficial for the children than hours of continual learning which may lead to stress and anxiety for you both.


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