Remote Learning
Remote Learning Policy Guidelines
These guidelines outline the expectations and procedures for remote learning at Downderry Primary School for Early Years, Key Stage 1 (KS1), and Key Stage 2 (KS2). Remote learning is a supplementary measure and is only implemented in extraordinary circumstances, such as:
- Whole-school closure.
- Recovery from surgery or prolonged severe illness that prevents a child from attending school.
Remote learning is not a substitute for attending school under normal circumstances.
Showbie: All remote learning activities will be conducted using Showbie, a secure digital platform already familiar to our pupils.
Pupils will access English, Math, and Topic lessons through Showbie, which will include clear instructions for independent completion of tasks.
Guidelines for Implementation
1. Teacher Responsibilities
- Teachers will upload daily lessons for English, Math, and Topic subjects.
- Resources will be clear, accessible, and appropriate for the child’s learning stage.
- Teachers will provide feedback on submitted tasks via Showbie where appropriate.
2. Parental Support
- Parents should ensure children have access to a device to use Showbie and a quiet space to work.
- Encourage children to complete tasks independently but provide support as needed.
3. Pupil Expectations
- Pupils are expected to complete the assigned tasks to the best of their ability.
- Children should use Showbie responsibly and adhere to our school’s online behaviour policies.
Important Notes
- Remote learning is a temporary measure and not intended for long-term educational provision.
- Pupils are expected to return to in-person learning as soon as they are able.
- Families experiencing technical difficulties with Showbie should contact the school for support.
Monitoring and Review
This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the needs of our pupils and the school community.
For any questions or further support, please contact the school office.