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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Global Citizenship

Year 5 Climate Change

Still image for this video
As part of their learning about climate change, Year 5 read the poem 'If' by Rudyard Kipling and wrote their own versions to send the message about looking after our planet. They then combined all of their best ideas to create this film.

At Downderry Primary School Global Citizenship is an important, integral part of the whole curriculum. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, ensuring that it:


  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children and of society.
  • Prepares our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they already face and for adult life.
  • Provides information about keeping healthy and safe, emotionally and physically. (Prevent Duty).
  • Encourages our children to understand how all actions have consequences and how they can make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment.


Children need the self-awareness, positive self-esteem and confidence to:


  • stay as healthy as possible
  • keep themselves and others safe – making safe choices, recognising threats to personal safety and wellbeing, developing ways to resist pressures and knowing when and how to get help (Prevent).
  • have worthwhile and fulfilling relationships
  • respect the differences between people
  • develop independence and responsibility
  • play an active role as a member of a democratic society
  • learn how to deal with compromising situations
  • make the most of their own and others’ abilities


PSHE and Citizenship is central to the educational entitlement of all children at Downderry Primary School and permeates all aspects of life in school. It is encompassed within the teaching of all subjects within the National Curriculum and is identified in Downderry Primary School Curriculum Policies. The interdependent aims for the school Curriculum cannot be achieved fully without the provision of PSHE and Citizenship.


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