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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Year 3



Elm Class - Miss Jackson

Willow Class - Mrs Dunne

Our topic for the this term is 'From Stone to Iron'.

Important information


On a Friday, pupils will be set a page from their CGP Maths and English books and a set of spellings to learn. The maths homework needs to be handed in the following Wednesday.  The spelling test will take place on the following Friday.


Pupils will also be given a reading record to write down what they have been reading at home each day. This can be from Bug Club or their own reading book. 

There will also be Take-Away Tasks which are to be completed and handed in at any time throughout the term.



Elm class and Willow class have PE on Friday.


Please ensure your child has no earrings in and that long hair is tied back on this day.

Children need to bring their PE kit (including trainers) in a bag, to get changed into at school. The PE kit consists of:

  • black shorts or jogging bottoms
  • a red t-shirt 
  • a pair of plimsolls or trainers


Please ensure your child has no earrings in and that long hair is tied back on this day.



Elm class have swimming on Wednesday.

Willow class have swimming on Wednesday.

Children need to have a swimsuit or swimming trunks and a towel. Children MUST have a swimming hat.


Please ensure your child's name is on all items of clothing.


Geography: Amazing Africa


In our Geography lessons based 'Amazing Africa,' we used maps to identify the World's continents, major deserts and the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. We learnt about the different Geographical features of two contrasting countries in the continent of Africa. 


Have a read of our work.

Can you find the two countries we studied in Africa on the world map? 

What tropic is each country in and how do their natural environments differ?

Observational Tutankhamun Artwork inspired by Kelvin Okafor

Iron Age Jewellery Inspired by Shelia Fleet

Stone Age Cave Description

Arts and Crafts in the Stone Age


We learn about the ways in which people during the Prehistoric Ages created arts and crafts such a cave paintings and jewellery. Afer being inspired by what learn, we created our own cave paintings by blending natural coloured chalk pastels and designed, moulded and painted our own Stone age necklaces using clay.


Do you know what necklaces were made from during the Stone Age?

STEM Week 2024 - Stone Age Farming Carts

STEM Week Farming Cart Test

Still image for this video
For STEM we worked in pairs to create farming cart prototypes that could have be used to help people living within the Neolithic period of the Stone Age.

Science: Exploring Light


In our Science lessons based on the topic of 'Light,' we have learnt about different sources of light and how shadows are formed. Working together, we explored how we could produce shadow patterns with our bodies. 


Have a look at the photos of our shadow patterns.

Can you guess any patterns we have made?

Our Shadow Patterns


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