Year 5
Cherry Class - Mr Lewis
Palm Class - Mr Phillips
Maple Class - Miss Wyles
Our topic for this term will be 'Invaders & Settlers'.
Important Information
Spellings are handed out every Friday with a spellings test the following Friday.
Additionally, the children will be given a maths and an English CGP workbook. They should complete one page of these books per week as directed by their teacher. The books will be handed out on Friday every week and should be returned by the following Wednesday.
All three classes have PE on a Tuesday.
Please ensure your child has no earrings in and that long hair is tied back on this day.
Children need to bring their PE kit (including trainers) in a bag, to get changed into at school. The PE kit consists of:
- black shorts or jogging bottoms
- a red t-shirt
- a pair of plimsolls or trainers
Please ensure your child has no earrings in and that long hair is tied back on this day.
Swimming will take place on a Friday. Children need to have a swimsuit or swimming trunks and a towel. Children MUST have a swimming hat.