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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Emyezweni School


International child sponsorship


We are proud to announce that Downderry have  being sponsoring an International child to go to school in the Grade R class at Emyezweni School in South Africa for 6 years.




We have had lots of fundraising through class projects during Money week and as a school we will do mini activities and events to raise money to help a child at school.



Parents, if you have any other ideas and suggestions about the projects we can do to raise money, please tell your child’s class teacher. For more information visit






Latest Newsletter from Emyezweni


We are proud to announce the latest update from the project, especially after lockdown. They have reported that they have 25 children in Grade R and have kept in touch with the children's parents via WhatsApp class groups.



We’ve had 3 3 6 6 8 4 visitors