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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve


At Downderry Primary School, we seek to develop children’s understanding and appreciation of computing and the way it impacts on our lives. We believe it is essential to provide opportunities in all National Curriculum subject areas for children to develop their computing capability and to use it to support their learning. Technology makes education accessible to all, irrespective of learning styles and individual needs. At Downderry, computing education is provided in a safe, happy and disciplined environment to stimulate and challenge both pupils and staff.


The curriculum map and scheme of work sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding to be taught, along with suggested activities. This will ensure coverage of the National Curriculum, progression of skills, knowledge and understanding, and the use of technology in all subject areas. Staff use the ‘Switched on Computing’ schemes of work and medium term planning to produce weekly plans.



Downderry is a fantastically resourced school. We have, for many years now, deployed a one-to-one iPad model from Year 1 to Year 6. Children use their device daily in a range of different ways, e.g. word processing, note taking, photography. We also use a virtual learning platform called Showbie which has revolutionised the way our children engage with their learning.



For children with SEN, technology can provide a means of reinforcing concepts and knowledge. Technology has excellent motivational potential for children experiencing learning difficulties or behavioural problems, for example using a word processing programme supports presentational skills and a spell check may help with spellings.  To fully consolidate their skills, SEN children may require greater access to technology in short, frequent sessions.


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