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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Projects & Events

This is where you will find photographs and videos of all the exciting events that have been put on at Downderry and in our community.

Zero Carbon Retrofit

Lewisham Council have successfully bid to central government for funds to create a zero carbon plan for five schools, one of which is ours!


We are delighted to have been chosen and look forward to working with RAFT (Retrofit Action For Tomorrow) to further reduce our energy bills and carbon footprint. This project is also perfectly aligned with our development plan goals including the development of Global Citizenships within the school community.


The proposal from RAFT is a response to the climate emergency by delivering educational workshops on climate change and thermal performance in parallel with the delivery of a deep retrofit, low carbon feasibility study and action plan for the school. The proposal aims to engage, educate and empower children and the wider school community to reduce energy and carbon use at school and homes.



RAFT Workshop 1

Children have been working in partnership with the local authority and RAFT to develop a plan to reduce the amount of carbon we are using in school. Workshop 1, which took place during the lockdown earlier this year, looked at the school building and the materials used in its construction.


Children researched the thermal properties of the building and considered ways this could be improved.

RAFT Workshop 2

Our next workshop is scheduled to take place mid- May, when children will be visualising and measuring our carbon footprint, and identifying priorities to reduce and improve this.



Remembrance Day

In remembrance of our fallen heroes, we joined together with local schools to pay our respects and to lay our wreath at Downham War memorial.


Our very own bugler played the 'Last Post' in our remembrance assembly, introducing our 2 minutes silence and members of Bellingham Golden Oldies shared their memories of wartime with year 6.


Thank you to everyone who supported our Poppy Appeal to raise funds for essential welfare work for our Service men and women, veterans, and their families. We will let you know how much was raised soon!

Harvest Festival

This year 's Harvest Festival was held on the 26th September. Led by Father Stuart from St Barnabas church, children shared ideas about what Harvest means to them and gave praise and thanks for the Harvest gifts.


A generous donation of dried foods, tins and packets of food was collected and given to our Children and Family Centre food bank, and distributed to the local community.


Thank you.



Spooky Disco

This year's Spooky disco was a 'spooktacular' success! Children and staff dressed up for the occasion and enjoyed the new pop corn machine, purchased through funds raised from the PTA!



Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

A massive thank you to children, staff, parents for the fantastic support that we had in raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Support to fight against Cancer.


Downderry raised £609.00 for the charity. 

Thank you to all parents, carers and friends who came along to the Christmas fair. We would also like to say a massive thank you for all your donations and support.


The amount we raised was £630.57! This will be going towards a variety of things within the school to support the children's experiences and learning!

Chinese New Year Display

School Council's campaign for a cleaner and greener area around our school


Read here about how our children have been campaigning to improve the area around our school for the whole community.





Due to demand our food bank is more popular than ever before but this means we are running short of our essential items. Can you help us? We are looking for donations of any tinned food, dried packets such as pasta and rice, breakfast cereals, tea/coffee, sugar, biscuits, toiletries and cleaning products. We have also started a Just Giving page to allow us to buy fresh items such as milk, cheese, eggs, fruit and vegetables to add to our stock, just search for 'Downderry' on the Just Giving homepage or copy and paste the link below into your browser:


Food donations can be made to the main school office or directly to the Children's Centre (Shroffold Road entrance).




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