School Uniform
The Importance of School Uniform
At Downderry we believe that a school uniform is important because it:
- looks smart
- wears well
- contributes to a sense of belonging
- gives a common purpose
- fosters a feeling of pride
- reduces ‘fashion competition’ between children.
All children must wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain an acceptable standard of clean and tidy dress in school. Parents/ Carers are asked label all items of clothing clearly with their child’s name.
For safety reasons, the only jewellery permitted at school are watches and studs.
Downderry’s School Uniform
Downderry colours are red and grey and our uniform comprises:
- Red school sweatshirt
- White shirt or blouse
- Grey trousers or skirt
- Plain black shoes or plimsolls
Variations for summer wear are: Summer dress in school colours

Selected items of school uniform are available to purchase from the school office including:
- Waterproof Coats £16.50
- Fleece £15.00
- Cardigans £14.00
- Sweatshirts £11.00
- P.E. T Shirts £6.50
- Book Bags £5.50
- Ruck Sacks £10.00
- P E Bag £4.50
- Swimming Hat £3.00
- Goggles £5.00
PE Kit
For safety reasons, it is essential that children are dressed appropriately for any physical activity. Downderry’s PE uniform comprises:
- a red t-shirt
- black shorts/ leggings/ jogging bottoms
- trainers or plimsolls
PE kit should be kept in a named, drawstring bag, kept in school and taken home at weekends and the end of term to be washed.
Children who go swimming need: a towel, swimming trunks (not shorts)/ costume (one piece), cap and brush or comb, to be carried in a waterproof bag.