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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Governing Body Statement

The Department for Education states that there is a need:


“to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.


“I think all young people (these youngsters) need to believe they belong to our society.


They need to believe there is hope for them, that the education system is there for them, that they will do well (in their examinations) that they will get a job and will have a real and strong and secure future (in this country) and that they will be appreciated by society”.

- Sir Michael Wilshaw, December 2015


Since schools are now required to actively promote British Values, the Governing Body of Downderry School believes that fundamental to our school’s approach is a determination to ensure that every pupil in our school  is respected and feels important, so that each can develop self-confidence and a knowledge of self-worth; can experience success and achievement;  enjoy and offer respect and tolerance while developing their own ambitions.


This mission is at the heart of the school and is


  • affirmed by the very positive feedback from pupils and their families;
  • secured by the school’s vigorous monitoring of every pupil to ensure  their progress;
  • strengthened by the celebration of their achievements and participation;
  • secured by establishing a safe environment where every individual is respected and their voice heard.


It is the view of the Governing Body that unless this is the experience of each pupil, it is unlikely that she or he will have regard for the more explicit statements and guidance of the school relating to the so-called British Values.


In this regard the Governing Body will continue to receive regular reports and information on school activities, procedures and curriculum which implicitly or explicitly promote the four principles which frame British Values.


Central to this is the school’s “Values Programme” which is a continuing feature of the school’s communal life.


It comprises a detailed programme of assemblies and lessons developed by the whole staff and which key staff share with the governors.  It is supported and reinforced, wherever possible, by governors’ involvement:


  • in school festivals and assemblies;
  • in school celebrations, especially of pupil achievements;
  • with the school council;
  • in supporting school policies;
  • in staffing;
  • in strengthening the relationship with the whole school community.



The Governing Body keeps this programme under review and receives an annual report and update.


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