Year 6
Holly Class - Miss Williams
Hazel Class - Mr Ruffer
Hawthorn Class - Mr Bagnall

Our topic for this term is "Mysteries and Disasters".
Important information
We give out Maths and Reading homework on Fridays, which should be completed by Wednesday. Children are also expected to read every day.
Year 6 have PE on Wednesday.
Please ensure your child has no earrings in and that long hair is tied back on this day.
Children need to bring their PE kit (including trainers) in a bag, to get changed into at school. The PE kit consists of:
- black shorts or jogging bottoms
- a red t-shirt
- a pair of plimsolls or trainers
Please ensure your child has no earrings in and that long hair is tied back on this day.
Please ensure your child's name is on all items of clothing.
Spellings :
Spellings will be given out every Friday and tested the following week. These will be based upon a key spelling pattern from the Year 6 curriculum. Children will also receive the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.
Our Topic in Spring is Mysteries and Disasters
In History, we have been studying the disaster of the Titanic and tracking the different factors that led to its sinking, in chronological order.
In Geography, we have been charting the disastrous journey of the Titanic across the Atlantic Ocean and looking at converting the imperial measurements used into metric measurements.
In Maths, we have been looking at representing historical data, such as survival rates, temperature and experiential differences between passengers, represented as pie charts, bar graphs and line graphs.
Our Topic in Autumn is World at War
In English, we have been reading 'Letters From The Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll and have created artwork inspired by the story.
We have been creating statistical representations of historical factual information.
We have been creating a local place study based on real life accounts and data from the Blitz.
We have been looking at the changing nature of Europe though the two world wars.
This term, we have been looking at the key historical events that led up to, took place during and happened as a consequence of World War II.
We have been exploring the key events and factors that led to World War II, including the Treaty of Versailles.