Healthy School
We are delighted to announce that Downderry has achieved the Healthy Schools Bronze Award following our review of practices in promoting health & wellbeing. This award recognises how as a school we support the health and well being of the school community. The areas included in the scheme are those of Healthy eating, Physical activity, Emotional health and well-being, and Personal, Social Health Education (PSHE).
Our main aim is to help our children stay healthy and happy as they grow up: to lead a healthy lifestyle, to make healthy food choices at lunchtime and to be active at and on the way to school. We also want to help them learn about their health, and develop their motivation and self-respect to make healthy choices.
Our next steps will be to work towards achieving a Silver Award and eventually a Gold Award. So keep watching this space for more developments.
Useful links:
Change for Life Healthy Schools CBeebies