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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve




Nursery Teachers

Ms Ufot

 Ms Moore

Our topic this term is 'Heroes and Villains'

Important Information



Nursery give out homework every half term. The homework is always based on topics that we cover in class. Parents are invited to change their child's book from the class library. We encourage this to happen at least once a week.



Nursery have PE on Fridays. They can come in to school wearing a PE kit if they wish. 


Please ensure your child's name is on all items of clothing.


Spare Clothing

In the event of spoilt clothing, please ensure that children have spare labelled clothing kept at school at all times within a named bag


Healthy Schools

Full time nursery and reception children can be provided with a hot lunch or bring in a packed lunch from home. Healthy snacks are provided throughout the day, as well as milk and water for all children.


Nursery lunch begins at 11:10am.


Star of the week:

On Friday, we select our class 'Star of the Week' with the help of our class bear, who has been carefully watching the children learn. The star of the week will be addressed in a virtual assembly and be given a postcard to take home. They will have their name on our website and newsletter too. 


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