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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Year 2



Oak Class - Mrs Keiger-Smart

Rowan Class - Miss Bryan


Our topic for this term is "Diary of a London Child".

Important information




As a part of their weekly homework, all children will be given a CGP mental maths and English workout book and assigned one page on Friday to complete by the following Wednesday. Spellings will be handed out on Friday with a spelling test the following Friday.


Children should read at home on a daily basis and ensure that their books and reading records are brought in on their assigned day to be checked and changed. We also have Bug Club which the children can access to read at home using their login located in their reading record. 


The class password for Bug Club has changed this year but the user name and school code remains the same as last year. Please do ensure that you do not share your user names.


Click here for tutorial videos on how to access Bug Club and it's resources.



Oak class have PE on a Thursday.

Rowan class have PE on a Thursday.


Children need to bring their PE kit (including trainers) in a bag, to get changed into at school. The PE kit consists of:

  • black shorts or jogging bottoms
  • a red t-shirt 
  • a pair of plimsolls or trainers


Please ensure your child has no earrings in and that long hair is tied back on this day.



The children will swim on a weekly basis.

Oak class have swimming on Friday.
Rowan class have swimming on Monday.


Children need to have:

  • a swimsuit or swimming trunks
  • a towel
  • Children MUST have a swimming hat.


Please ensure your child's name is on all items of clothing.

Woodland Walk

London Fire Brigade Visit

Autumn Art Project


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