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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Music Development Plan

Downderry Primary School’s Music Development Plan summary outlines how we deliver high-quality music provision in curriculum music, co-curricular music and musical experiences, and what we are planning for subsequent years.


This information is to help pupils and parents or carers understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education.







Academic year that this summary covers


Date this summary was published

December 2024

Date this summary will be reviewed

July 2025

Name of the school music lead

Mr Richard Green    

Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music (if different)   


Name of local music hub


Name of other music education organisation(s) (if partnership in place)



Part A: Curriculum music

This is about what we teach in lesson time, how much time is spent teaching music and any music qualifications or awards that pupils can achieve.


The school music curriculum is informed by the national curriculum music programmes of study for key stages 1 and 2.

Resources are taken from Charanga, a stand-alone music resource platform and the Model Music curriculum.

Music provision is delivered across the whole school from Nursery to Year 6 in a mixture of whole class and smaller groups. SEND sessions take place in very small groups, making use of tuned and untuned percussion instruments and keyboards as a medium for self-expression and communication.


Tuition:  EYFS receive 90 min weekly music provision. Nursery focus is rhythm and meter with an intent to assist with phonics. This is developed in Reception where djembe drumming is taught along with a basic understanding of tempo and pitch.


Within Key Stages 1 and 2 music is timetabled for at least 1 hour per week. The curriculum is designed to incrementally build upon previous learning, working towards the end of key stage expectations and clearly defined end points.


The interrelated dimensions of music (tempo, pitch, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure and duration) are studied across the school with increasing depth, underpinning musical learning, inspiring creative thinking and discussion, and engendering a love of music.


In addition to the above, children are taught an appreciation of music history through a range of styles and genres. In Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) children are introduced to basic music notation (the reading of music). This includes dedicated key board lessons in Year 3.


Part of each lesson offers the opportunity for children to perform to their peers using a variety of musical resources.


Part B: Co-curricular music

This is about opportunities for pupils to sing and play music, outside of lesson time, including choirs, ensembles and bands, and how pupils can make progress in music beyond the core curriculum.


Specialist music teaching is delivered in a dedicated music room. Informative displays, a wide range of electronic and acoustic instruments, tuned and untuned percussion and instruments from around the world, and cross-curricular instruments such as the theramin (music and science) enhance music provision at Downderry.


Year 3 learn keyboard skills, including correct playing technique, understanding rhythm, meter and basic notation, aiding the development of coordination and motor skills.


Year 4 learn djembe drumming technique and develop an understanding of musical teamwork through call and response. This is delivered through a Lewisham Music Hub specialist.


Year 5 choir are coached in the use of correct breathing and singing technique. In doing so they experience vocalising a variety of genres and themes, and are given numerous opportunities to perform to varying audiences.


All of the above start with the intent of playing and performing with increasing accuracy, fluency and confidence.


The school is in partnership with Lewisham music hub, which acts as a platform to help build professional links with music lead personnel from other schools. They also provide a specialist peripatetic djembe drumming tutor who visits the school weekly.


Music room space and resources are offered, along with help, coaching and advice, to children wishing to practice for specific events, eg external music exams and preparation for school performances. An after-school music club is also available.


Part C: Musical experiences

This is about all the other musical events and opportunities that we organise, such as singing in assembly, concerts and shows, and trips to professional concerts.


Weekly music assemblies are delivered to KS1, LKS2 (Years 3 & 4) and UKS2 (Years 5 & 6). During this time, children are encouraged to perform to peers, offering the opportunity to gain performing experience and help build confidence.


Early djembe drumming is introduced in Reception, building a strong foundation of rhythm awareness and motor skills and an understanding of tempo and pitch. Children perform throughout the year, including their ‘Leavers’ graduation ceremony’ to Parents and Carers.


Key stage 1 produce a Christmas show each year in the form of a structured musical-based production. Live and recorded music, costumes, scenery, lighting and dialogue are all included, and showcased to Parents and Carers.


A key stage 2 Spring concert provides the chance for year groups 3-6 to perform based on an established theme, such as the Olympics. Performances include singing and instrumental (whole class, ensemble, solo).


In Summer Term Year 6 produce a fully staged musical. Past productions have included Annie, Oliver, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Joseph. The production is fully staged with scenery, lighting, costumes, recorded and live music, sound effects, dialogue and singing. Children experience managing lighting and sound systems.


Professional musicians and artists visit the school regularly to offer assemblies and workshops, helping motivate and inspire the next generation of young musicians.


The school choir perform both in school and at external events. These include:  Young Voices at the O2 arena, and events within the local community. 


In the future

This is about what the school is planning for subsequent years.


The school is currently planning a centenary concert for Spring 2025 to celebrate 100 years of Downham, of which the school is a significant part.


This event will enable school talent to be showcased, including individual and ensemble performances reflecting a range of musical genres and the rich cultural diversity of Lewisham.


Curriculum Intent also includes developing exposure to live music from established professionals from a range of musical backgrounds, from established jazz artists to classical musicians from leading orchestras. This will help motivate and inspire children whilst providing enrichment and extended learning opportunities.


Leading music industry professionals, with a wealth of experience and knowledge both performing and teaching, are in partnership with the school to offer children a unique opportunity to expand their understanding and enjoyment of music. Our intent is to develop and build upon this.


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