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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

English (including Phonics and Reading)

At Downderry, we strive to build foundations to enable every child to become literate, preparing them with the skills for adult life. The English teaching we provide should allow all children to fulfil their potential whilst giving them the skills to understand and use language in all its aspects. We aim to engage all children in high quality learning experiences in order to foster passions for life long reading; whilst providing the confidence to communicate effectively in both speaking and writing. Believing literacy has the power to enrich lives, we will strive to ensure every child develops the confidence and competence to embrace literature in its many forms.
Our aim is to ensure that all staff teach English in the most effective way possible through the implementation of the English Programmes of Study in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance and National Curriculum 2014. We offer our phonics provision through the DfE validated programme: My Letters and Sounds.  This enables children to develop confidence and competence, regardless of gender, ethnicity or social/economic background in their early stages of reading which are then built upon further through the school, alongside letter formation and writing.
Children enjoy a wide variety of books which they can access within their class libraries, our fully-stocked school library or the supplementary eBooks still available on Bug Club (a web-based learning tool) which children use in Key Stages 1 and 2.  We celebrate key events as a school including World Book Day. Within our Early Years department we celebrate World Nursery Rhymes Week in addition to basing our weekly themes of learning around a book.
English Lessons are taught as a whole class, using differentiated activities every day. This session is usually preceded (or integrated with – Upper Key Stage 2) by a Class Read or Phonics session where the needs of the individual pupils are focused upon as evaluated by the class teacher. Targeted under attaining pupils receive additional support from trained staff through intervention groups. These groups change throughout the year depending upon the progress and needs of different cohorts. These are planned for and evaluated on Class Provision Maps (see SEN Policy). Booster classes are also provided as and when necessary.

Bug Club Access Video

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