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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Target Setting Tea

Before half term, we had our target setting tea for children that met all of their targets in Spring Term from Nursery all the way to Year 6. It was a lovely afternoon with lots of very proud parents, pupils, staff and governors. Thank you to all who attended and who helped the afternoon to run so smoothly.


Congratulations to all children who met their targets last term and attended the Target Setting Celebration Tea.


Silver: Suzie & Maija

Gold: Ashay & Bradley

Apple: Sanjana, Elijah & Rech’ea

Mulberry: Bernard & Cailyn

Chestnut: Sophie & Zach

Beech: Daniel S & Connie V

Oak: Ty, Junior & Logan

Rowan: Aiden & Amelia S

Elm: Summer & Aaron

Willow: Millie-Rose & Joseph

Ash: Eugene, Evie & Leah-May

Sycamore: Ruby, Mariah & Benite

Maple: Aiysha & Musab

Palm: Pravin & Nia

Cherry: Atare & Banushanth

Holly: Melek & Terran

Hazel: Vinusan & Shifa

Hawthorn: George & Harvey L


We have put a video in the Children's Gallery to celebrate their achievements.


Keep working hard, and with excellent attendance, it might be you this term…


We’ve had 3 3 6 6 7 8 visitors