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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Science Selfie Competition


We are launching our ‘Science Selfie Competition’. Science is everywhere! Look for Science in the world around you and take a selfie! This could be cooking or gardening activities, setting up and completing a science experiment or exploring nature.


Send your selfie to, ensure your child’s name & class are the subject of the email. We will share Science Selfies on our school website and in displays around the school. Please let us know if you do not want your picture to be used on our website or in our school displays.


There will be a prize for the most inspiring Science Selfie from Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Entries need to be received by Friday 24th May. We look forward to seeing your Science Selfies!


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