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Downderry Primary School home page

Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

How to help your child

On behalf of the School, I would like to thank you for your condolences, messages of support and kindness following the tragic passing of Mr Paul Hitch on Thursday. Your kind words will provide us with much needed strength and courage in the coming days and weeks as we move forward.


This week, starting from today, we will be opening the Key Stage 2 gates ten minutes earlier at 2:50pm to enable the community to pay tribute where flowers have been laid in our quiet area.


Whilst children are extremely resilient they may be profoundly affected by recent events. We hope the Guide, linked below, helps you to support your child during this difficult period.


How to help your child Guidance for Parents and Carers


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