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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

End of Year Prize Giving


Today we presented our end of year prizes to children who have demonstrated excellent work and progress in English, Maths, STEM, Arts, Sport and Values.


English: Lily - Nursery, Naomi - Reception, Harris-James - Yr1, Isabelle - Yr2, Emily - Yr3, Chizorom - Yr4, Timi - Yr5, Daisy - Yr6


Maths: Zayn - Nursery, Rayan - Reception, Alan - Yr1, Mustapha - Yr2, Fabion - Yr3, Madhav - Yr4, Kanshiha - Yr5, Kaveshan – Yr6


STEM: Josh - Nursery, Samuel - Reception, Arthur - Yr1, Nathaniel - Yr2, Isaac - Yr3, Ismail - Yr4, Ruby - Yr5, Harry – Yr6


Arts: Sara - Nursery, Lesley - Reception, Ronni - Yr1, Kriish - Yr2, Theo - Yr3, Amber - Yr4, Jia Yi - Yr5, Isaiah - Yr6


Sport: Isvanija - Nursery, Jed - Reception, Harper - Yr1, Matteo - Yr2, Henry - Yr3, Seraphina - Yr4, Dexter - Yr5, Miaja – Yr6


Values: Ava - Nursery, Manasseh - Reception, Albio - Yr1, Delilah-Rose - Yr2, Lenuga - Yr3, McKenzie - Yr4, Leighanna-Jodie - Yr5, Shianna – Yr6


Music Award: Corey - Yr6, Tracey Lewis Award: Misharia -Yr6


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