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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Downham 100 Logo competition


This week special guests, Dr Tattersfield, Councillor Oana Olaru, Andrew Junaid and Mia Winters came into school to present prizes winners of the Downham 100 Logo competition. Congratulations to category winners: Tahlia (4-6years), Ryan (7-9), and Adesewa (10-11 years), and to the Honourable mention winners: Ayla (Year1) and Islah (Year 5). 

The overall winning entry was designed by Ayda in Palm class. Ayda will work with a graphic designer to transform her logo into a digital format, to be used to promote the events that are being planned to celebrate Downham’s 100th anniversary in 2025.


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