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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Downham 100 Logo Competition - Extended Closing Date

Downham Logo Competition To celebrate Downham’s 100th Birthday, Sevenfields NHS & Phoenix Community Housing are looking for an artist to design their logo.


To help you design your logo think about:

  • What you love most about Downham
  • Your favourite place
  • Your favourite memory


To enter, ask an adult to take a picture of your logo and email it, with your name, to

Extended closing date: Monday 11th March, 11:59pm.


This competition is open to all children aged 4-11 years old. The winner will receive a certificate, £20 book voucher and the winning logo will be the star of all of the posters celebrating 100 years of Downham!



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