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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

Covid restrictions: Step 3

The Prime Minister has announced that on Monday 17th May we will enter step 3 of the roadmap out of lockdown. At school we have planned for some minor adjustments in readiness for this stage, whilst maintaining Covid safe practices we have become increasingly familiar with and implemented over the last year.


We will be extending our bubbles to phases at playtimes: Early Years, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4) and Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 & 6). This will enable dining arrangements to resume in the Dining Hall for most year groups. We will also be reintroducing music assemblies for phases in our Middle Hall, and reorganising the seating plans in classrooms to facilitate high quality teaching and learning.


These adjustments will be carefully monitored and reviewed and we are hopeful to reintroduce other changes in the coming weeks, with your continued support. Please help us to achieve this by maintaining social distancing, observing the one way systems at the start and end of the school day and wearing a face covering (unless exempt) when entering the school site.


As restrictions begin to lift, we know some families may be looking to take holidays during term time. As usual, parents should plan their holidays around school breaks and avoid seeking permission to take their children out of school on holiday. Any holiday taken during term time will not be authorised. The school term dates can be found in the “Parents” section of the school website.


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