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Downderry Primary School

Trying your Best Equals Success If you Believe you will Achieve

Trying your Best Equals Success
If you Believe you will Achieve

NEU Teacher Strike: Partial School Opening Thursday 27th April & Tuesday 2nd May

Additional teacher strike days have been confirmed for Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May, when National Education Union (NEU) teachers will be striking at both national and regional level, in protest of teachers’ pay and conditions and school funding.


The following classes will be open on these days:

  • Nursery: Gold (27th April only)
  • Reception: Mulberry (both days)
  • Year 1: Beech (both days)
  • Year 2 Oak and Rowan (both days)
  • Year 3 Elm (both days)
  • Year 5 Palm (27th April only)
  • Year 6 Holly, Hazel and Cherry (both days)


Arrangements have been made with Chartwells, our school meals provider, to provide vouchers for those children entitled to a benefit related free school meal whose classes will be closed due strike action. Vouchers can be collected from the school office between 8am and 1pm on each of the strike days. A hot lunch will be provided for children who receive a school meal and whose classes remain unaffected by the strike.


Breakfast and Afterschool Forest Club will be on for those children whose classes remain open. After school activities will be cancelled on these days and rescheduled for a later date.


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