Summer 2021
- Week 1 - 20th April - St. George's Day:Behaviour Reminders .pdf
- Week 2 - 27th April - The Big Ask:Healthy School's Award.pdf
- Week 3 - 4th May - Waste Week 2021:London Mayoral Elections.pdf
- Week 4 - 11th May - Pyjamarama:Stranger Danger:Walk to School Week.pdf
- Week 5 - 18th May 2021 - CCGL Update_Biodiverstiy Day.pdf
- Week 6 - RAFT Zero Carbon Update.pdf
- Week 1 - 8th June - Pupil Questionnaires.pdf
- Week 2 - 15th June 2021 - World Refugee Day:G7 Summit.pdf
- Week 3 - 22nd June - Disability Awareness:Windrush Day.pdf
- Week 4 - 29th June - Pupil Voice:Wimbledon.pdf
- Week 5 - 6th July - Happy, wise, Well Festival:Summer Reading Challenge.pdf
- Week 6 - 13th July - School Council Review:Intl Day of Friendship.pdf